Silent Movie Theater

The Super Simplex projection heads I have were first introduced in 1928-1950 when production began to run down.
I also have the old rectifiers for the arc lamphouses. I would like to put them on display someday on the show grounds
projector 004.webp
Amazing how technology has improved over those days. I spent many hours at drive in's when I was in high school. It would be cool find one and go see something there someday. Of course, now that we are all spoiled the sound would have to come through the stereo somehow so that we could have good sound. If it is too hot that night, everyones car would be running for the A/C!

It would be a long drive for you, but there is a drive in located in Long Prarie, MN. There are some old-school speakers in the first couple rows yet, otherwise they broadcast on FM. Limited camping available also.

Is that place still open? I remember going there 20 years ago with a girl I was dating at the time. Seems I don't recall ever looking in it's direction the few times I've been by it since.
Is that place still open? I remember going there 20 years ago with a girl I was dating at the time. Seems I don't recall ever looking in it's direction the few times I've been by it since.
Yes sir, it is. $6 for an adult to see two movies, and concessions are pretty reasonable too. Hard part is, first movie doesn't start until around 9:30 or so...
This place looks cool... I don't want to advertise for them, but they have an awesome website that is not very hard to find if you :computer: for "Drive in movie theater Long Prairie, MN"
It has been awhile since this topic was brought up but it is something I really want to get started. I don't want to show a feature and tie up our visitors for two hours, but show old News Reels mixed with images of our show and upcoming show year feature equipment (cause I am always asked what next years feature is). I would demonstrate how sound is produced, switching from projector to projector every 20 minutes, difference between flat and scope movies. I have 4 ( maybe more) cartoons and a Lassie feature (the Lassie prints has lost its color and now has a red tint to it) on 35 mm film, a couple of comedy shorts and news reels including MacArthurs's Homecoming in 16mm. I have all the equipment from a drive-in movie theatre (except the sound amp), a 35mm silent movie suitcase projector, and two old16mm projectors.
I would like to get a movie theatre going, it is something I think the show needs. I have two projectors, carbon arc lamphouses with their tube rectifiers, inspection table, film reel storage and some 35mm film too that I would like to donate to WMSTR. ( I need to get back my garage space) I don't want to show 2 hour movies but instead I would like to show vintage newsreels mixed in with WMSTR related activities such as next years feature equipment, areas of the show to show off, ect. followed by a cartoon or comedy short. I would like to demonstrate how 20 minute reels of film are switched from one projector to another, how do you get sound from the film, what the difference between flat and scope (wide screen).
I think a movie theater on the grounds would be cool, but I think we would need to have a way to keep it air conditioned during the summer and heated during the winter so the projection and sound equipment doesn’t get ruined by the temperature changes
The Merc would be a great place to start for showing the evening silent film and news reels.

My Dad, who owned a small town movie theatre (Cairo Theatre) would show News Reels, pertaining to the family, before the general audience would see the news.
My Dad was manager of the Cairo Theatre, Cairo, NE., from 1941 till 1949.
Carbon Arc projectors was what he used....

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