Steam School 2015

Again, I would like to extend an invitation to any new or old Steam School attendees that need hands on hours. for taking the MN Steam License Exam, to see me in the Sand Box. Our engines are a little different than the traction engines, as each piece of equipment actually has three, 2 cylinder steam engines. Again, come visit, work and beprepared to get greasy.
Harvey does that invite go to instructors that might want to poke there nose around too? Might be fun changing it up from one cylinder to six!!!!

Hi all,

The calendar may only say 10 March, but the warm weather is making me think of Spring, Steam Up and Steam School. I believe that Tom H said sometime ago that Steam School was full for this year.

We are planning on have at least one steam engine belted to a Brake for the weekend. Last year's students are invited to come around and get some hands on time. If you haven't been to Steam School and you want to get some steam time, you are invited, too. If you are interested, send me a message so we can plan for you.

What are other poeple planning to run for out students to see and work on?

Jerry Christiansen
All are welcome, I don't know if the boy with the Marion will have it running for Steam School, but they usually do. We are going to be working on the little Red and Yellow Osgood Shovel during that time. But during the show, come on down, we would be glad to have the Instructors participating with us.
Also, I might add, the big Marion-Osgood's hoisting engines are equal to two, 110 horsepower traction engines, and the swing engine, as well as the crown engine, are each equal to the big Avery traction engine. So you can see why they require a little more fuel and water.
When would be a good day to come to help while getting hours? I don't want to come to early. I took steam school last year and need hours. I loved working the steam shovels last year and would love to do it again.
Treble, thank you for your interest in getting some hours on the steam shovels. We usually start firing up around around 8 AM and go all day. I usually get to Rollag about on a Sunday before the show starts and am around all week, getting the machines ready. So anytime in that time frame, just look for me around the shovels. We will be glad to see you.
Hi All,

What are the requirements to take the Minnesota Hobby/Historical Steam License test?

Do arrangements have to be made with the state before hand to take the test?

Can the test be written on Sunday? Or, would a person have to stay until Monday?

Jerry Christiansen
Last year, I believe the test was at the end of the day on Sunday.

I am a bit confused. Do you mean the show itself or steam school Harvey?
My son (8 years old) and I (older than that) are looking forward to steam school. His interest keeps growing each year so decided to feed it some more by attending this year's school. Thank you to everyone who has already reached out to us.

Lori & Logan
Will there be a notary available at steam school? Can the test administrator witness signatures for validating hours for test applicants? I understand 16 hours can be credited for attending Steam school but how is this added to the MN Boiler Affidavit document? Thanks!
Will there be a notary available at steam school? Can the test administrator witness signatures for validating hours for test applicants? I understand 16 hours can be credited for attending Steam school but how is this added to the MN Boiler Affidavit document? Thanks!
Hi Dale,
The last proceedure that I know of was to have a copy of your U of Rollag diploma that shows the 16 hours along with your affidavit. And like Craig mentioned, Tom Hall does quite a bit of the Notary Work on the Affidavit's.

The Thick and Thin sawmill will be sawing on Friday and Saturday of steam school. If you need hours for the show you are welcome to come down, we will find something for you to help with.
Also there will be two steam engines powering the mill both days. And as always the engines have very good Engineers on them that are also excellent instructors.
If everything goes as planned I wouldn't mind wandering over to the mill with the 75
Hi all,

Will someone plan on being on a Prony Brake Saturday and/or Sunday? Hopefully some Steam School graduates from past years will stop by looking for some experience and training.

Jerry Christiansen