Donut Holiday


Mega Poster
WMSTR Lifetime Member
Time really flies we are almost on another holiday for the month of December no not Christmas I'm referring to donut tasting day coming up this Saturday at Larson Welding and one of my most favourite places besides the show grounds We will have Donuts and coffee starting 8:00 am I know that might be a little early for some of us who will remain anonymous and the usual trading of mass quantities of useless information We will again make available pictures of you and your favourite doutut suitable for framing and Christmas cards or dartboards now if we have enough time there are a few projects to work on the 50 case got a lot of work done to it a few weeks ago thanks to all who helped still more to go replacement of pipes and some valves the heater also needs new tubes the Ortner train machine wheels build frame for turn table push pull bars Five need to built for security cameras clutch shoes for 30-60 Case just to name a few lunch will be served haven't heard if it is Pizza or something else no matter what it is always good Come and join us a good time is always had